Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Tick Tock Diner Tales - Episode 1 - Laura Comes Home From Her Honeymoon and Goes Running Straight to Her Sexy, But Married Waitress Girlfriend

 Written by Ali Naro

Monday morning, July 11, 1955
Walking down Main Street to the Tick Tock diner
(fictional) Arnett, Florida

Laura was on her way to the Tick Tock Diner to see Debbie.

Beautiful and sexy and voluptuous Debbie.

Debbie who was all hips and curves and enormous breasts.

And Laura couldn’t believe that Debbie was all hers...


Not all hers.

Laura did share Debbie with Debbie’s husband Jack, but Jack was never around.

Laura had never even seen Jack other than the picture of him that was on the nightstand next to Debbie’s side of their marriage bed.

Jack was a traveling salesman; shoes were the product that he sold and thankfully his job took him away for weeks at a time.

And those weeks that Jack was away from beautiful and sexy and voluptuous Debbie always belonged to Laura…

But the heavy, burdening guilt of sleeping with a married woman for over two years now did eat away at Laura’s conscience, and sometimes she found herself pretending that Jack didn’t even actually exist at all and that is why she never once even saw him walking around their small town.

Sometimes Laura would find herself pretending that Debbie only pretended she was married to some elusive guy named Jack that she completely made up as an elaborate ruse so no one would suspect that Debbie and Laura were lovers.

But Laura knew that Debbie indeed had an actual real husband who did actually exist and sometimes she would find herself lying in Jack and Debbie's marriage bed naked after having just made love to Debbie and staring at the picture of Jack on Debbie’s nightstand, a picture Debbie said was only there to look the part of a devoted wife…

But those words did not help and Laura would find herself desperately trying to convince herself that the affair had to end now.

But then Debbie would glide into the bedroom naked and gorgeous with her big, beautiful breasts, and her big, insatiable sexual appetite, and the next thing Laura knew, they were making love once again...

And all thoughts of ending the affair with a married woman because of guilt were far away from Laura's conscience because her conscience was too busy taking in the pleasures of another man’s wife to worry about burdening guilt.

And now here Laura was married too.

The marriage Laura never wanted.

The marriage to a man she didn't even love.

The marriage encouraged by Debbie, which Laura suspected was her way of making the ruse of their relationship even more unnoticeable.

No one would suspect that two women were sleeping together if they both had husbands.


Debbie had even encouraged Laura to date her now brand new husband, Mark after Laura had told Debbie one night after making love that her boss had asked her out on a date and she didn't know how to turn him down without getting fired. Laura needed the job to help keep a roof over her head.

Debbie right away told Laura to tell her boss,

"Hell yes!"

Laura’s boss, the richest man in town who was the spitting image of dreamy Montgomery Clift and never went out on dates ever even though he was the most eligible bachelor around and had women dying to date him was asking shy, poor, nobody Laura out?

Debbie convinced Laura it would be crazy to say no.

And then Debbie convinced Laura it would be crazy to turn down her rich boss’s marriage proposal that came very unexpectedly six short weeks later.

And now here Laura was fresh back from St. Augustine after spending three days there on her honeymoon that wasn't after having a whirlwind romance that also wasn't. Laura hadn't seen Debbie since the night before the elopement, so she wasn't sure if Jack had come home yet or not from his shoe sales traveling while she had been gone, but guilty conscience or not, God she hoped he was still gone.

Gone far, far away, and that Debbie was only working the breakfast shift at the Tick Tock Diner today so she would be off from work soon so they could have at least a few hours together before it was time for Laura to interview the new housekeeper who would be doing all the cooking and cleaning back at…

What should she call it?

Home, she guessed.

How weird it seemed to think of the enormous house that she now lived in with her brand new husband as home.

Her home.

It had been less than 24 hours since she had been living there, so maybe in time it would feel like home to her, but for now, the house that she grew up in, the house that she hadn’t lived in for over two years now because it was lost to bankruptcy due to alcoholism, was still her home, even if strangers lived in it now...

And she imagined it might very well always be home to her no matter who lived in it or where she lived.

And interviewing a new housekeeper?

How strange, her with a housekeeper.

Laura didn’t even want a housekeeper and said as much when Mark told her about the interview yesterday before he left to check up on what he missed at the Penny Pincher Weekly Newspaper, the local newspaper that his family owned and was now all Mark's since his parents had both passed away in the last few years and he had no other siblings to help take over the family trade.

And there must have been a lot of work to catch up on since Mark didn’t get back until one in the morning.

The enormous house had so many rooms, Laura was sure it would take her forever before she stopped getting lost because after Mark left yesterday for work, she had gotten lost at least a half dozen times even though Mark had given her a tour of the monstrous house before he left.

The monstrous house completely overwhelmed Laura and even made her long for the small one-room apartment that she had rented before marrying Mark and technically still had three months remaining on her lease. Although Mark had said yesterday that he was going to talk to the landlord who was a golfing buddy of his to get her out of her lease early and have the rest of her things she hadn't packed for the honeymoon moved out and into her new home ASAP. 

Being rich sure was nice. You didn't have to obey the rules and people moved your stuff for you.

Mark had told Laura during the tour yesterday that the new housekeeper would be coming this afternoon to see Laura to make sure that she approved of her before starting work the day after.

At first, Laura thought the new housekeeper would have to approve of her. Mark laughed when Laura said as much and then told her that it was the other way around. That it was Laura who had to approve of the new housekeeper.

But why, Laura had wondered.

Why did she have to approve of the new housekeeper?

What did she know about housekeepers and how to spot a good or bad one to approve or disapprove of?

She had been just a poor farmer's daughter her whole life and then a poor secretary for the last couple of years. She never had any hired help except for the sharecroppers that would come to her dad's farm once a year to help pick crops. She could maybe help with hiring a sharecropper. But as for a housekeeper that was in charge of cooking and cleaning an enormous house?

Laura and Mamma always did the cooking and the cleaning themselves whenever they weren't helping out on the farm.

But now within a few short weeks of dating Mark, Laura was a rich woman who never had to help plow a field or pick a potato or a head of cabbage or type up a letter ever again for the rest of her life.

So why did she miss the farm so much or working as a secretary at Mark's office and the poor life she had once lived just a few days ago if being rich was all anyone ever dreamed about?

And why did she have to have a maid at all?

Laura no longer worked as a secretary at Mark’s office, because according to Mark and all the rest of society, married women stayed home. And married rich women certainly never did anything that remotely even came close to being work. So if Laura was staying home all day with no prospect of ever getting any kind of job at all then why couldn’t she just do the cooking and the cleaning herself just because people said she couldn't because what else was she going to do with her day now?

The house was so big, surely her day could be taken up and then some just cleaning it.

But Mark was appalled when Laura suggested as much.

No wife of his would go without a maid.

No wife of his would clean his family's home that had been in his family for three generations now.

His family's home represented the town and the community.

Now that his parents were deceased and he was in charge of the family business and the familial home at only 28 years old, he would not be making such drastic changes as his own wife now being the maid and the cook.

How would that look?

Laura had no idea how that would look because she grew up without ever having to worry about such a superficial thought. Her mind had always been occupied with other important things that she was quickly learning never even entered into rich people’s thoughts like worrying incessantly if there would be enough food to eat and would they still have a roof over their head at the end of the month when the mortgage on the farm was due and they didn’t have enough money to pay it in full, much less having the luxury of worrying about what the neighbors would think because they didn’t have a maid.

What strange things rich people worried about, Laura had thought after Mark told her yesterday that he would hear no more talk of her going without a maid.

At least she would be seeing Debbie today soon or at least Laura hoped she would. Laura was only guessing or really hoping that Debbie was working at the diner today. If she wasn’t at the diner and was at home instead then Laura would have to wait until tomorrow to try and contact Debbie again at the diner to let her know that she was finally back from St. Augustine because Laura didn’t know if Jack was home or not and Debbie would be furious if she showed up at her house or called and Jack was there and answered the door or the phone.

Plus, Laura was afraid if she ever really saw Jack in person or heard him on the phone, she would have to quit Debbie immediately, and although she knew on some level that their relationship was not meant for eternity, still she wasn’t ready to quit Debbie yet.

The last time Laura saw Debbie was the night before her elopement. Debbie was the only person she had told about running off to marry Mark. He had asked Laura to tell absolutely no one about the elopement. Mark was very clear and insistent about the whole no one part of his demand, even though he was completely silent as to the reason why no one in their lives could know about it. But Laura couldn’t figure out a way to lie to Debbie, mostly because Laura couldn’t really lie because she hated lying so much. So Laura decided it was okay to tell Debbie about the elopement. 

Debbie had been so happy about the elopement, which didn't surprise Laura since she had been so excited about Laura dating Mark. Although, it did sting that Debbie didn't seem to mind sharing Laura with someone else. Laura certainly minded sharing Debbie with Jack. 

What did surprise Laura was the going-away party that Debbie had set up for Laura the night before the elopement, that is if two people can be called a party. When Laura arrived the night before her elopement at Debbie,’s house, Debbie had the kitchen table all set up for a romantic dinner with a linen table cloth, lit candles, a ham in the oven, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and a key lime pie for dessert, which Debbie got from the diner. They made the best key lime pie ever. 

When Laura asked Debbie what all that food was for, Debbie replied,

“Well, I figured it was about God damned time that I did something else for you besides getting you naked as soon as I get you inside this house and then fuck you until you can’t cum anymore. I mean, I can’t let you go off and get married without throwing a little ta-do for you, now can I? And well, to be honest, I got to thinking the other day how I would just love to be able to take you out on a proper date to a real restaurant to wine and dine you and everything, or maybe not wine you in your case, since you don't drink, but how that will happen when hell freezes over. So, I decided to throw you a kind of an elopement party and a this is the only kind of date we’ll ever have, Goddammit, party. And now seeing how fucking wonderfully romantic this all looks, I’m shooting myself for not doing it sooner, Goddammit.”

Debbie had a certain abrupt and blunt way with words that Laura was still trying to get used to even after two years together. Debbie didn't use profanity in public because as she always said, "My Great Grandma Rosie taught me good manners," but in private, Debbie was known to let loose with a variety of expletives. 

And it wasn’t entirely true that Debbie had never done anything like making the romantic dinner for Laura before. When Laura turned nineteen late last year, Debbie greeted Laura at the front door with a cake she had spent the day baking and had it lit on fire with nineteen candles. Debbie did manage to wait long enough for Laura to blow out the candles before she ripped off Laura’s clothes and took her into the bedroom where she did all manner of wonderful things to Laura’s body. Debbie later placed pieces of the cake on strategic parts of her own body for Laura to then consume.

It was the best birthday cake Laura had ever had.

Laura had been genuinely touched by Debbie’s effort for Laura’s last night of "freedom" before marrying Mark, but she had also been sad because even though she thought it sometimes herself, hearing Debbie say that they had not and never would go on a proper date out in public made it all that more of a very real reality.

And that very real reality just really sucked.

Even if Debbie wasn't married to some elusive guy named Jack and Laura wasn't now married to a man she barely knew and didn't love, a normal romance for them would never be possible.

Laura and Debbie could never go out on dates in public.

Laura and Debbie could never walk down the street and hold hands like other couples did.

They could never be like other couples, married to other men or not because they were two women in love and they were everything that was against nature. No one would understand. Laura wasn’t even sure if she understood.

Laura always knew that she didn’t feel for boys like other girls did. She didn’t long for their touch. She didn’t long for their kiss. She didn’t long for their hand in marriage. It was girls that she found beautiful. It was girls that she found fascinating. It was girls that she wanted to spend all of her time with, but she wasn’t quite sure if other women felt about their own sex the way Laura did until the fateful day Debbie first kissed her, that day that made everything in her life finally make sense. Debbie's kisses woke Laura and suddenly she knew exactly who she was and it was the most wonderful and terrifying feeling she had ever experienced in her life.

Laura had first met Debbie one evening a little over two years ago after catching a movie at the theater across the street from the Tick Tock Diner and decided that she couldn’t face going back to that awful hotter than hell room she was renting after being in the nice, cool theater, so she instead decided to go into the diner for a grape soda to take back to her place to help cool her down for a while and that was when she saw Debbie for the very first time and fell in love and in lust instantly...

Debbie, who was smoking on a cigarette and chewing gum and all at the same time, something Debbie did quite often. Laura would later discover that it was very rare for Debbie to not have either a cigarette or a stick of gum or sometimes even both in her mouth at the same time. In fact, the only time Laura could remember ever seeing Debbie without gum or a cigarette keeping her mouth occupied was when Laura’s mouth or tongue or breasts or the many other parts of her body were keeping Debbie’s mouth more than occupied.

Debbie walked over to Laura that first day they met and she seemed to know immediately that Laura was like her, a lover of women. She gave Laura a wink and a smile and a smack on her gum followed by a puff on her cigarette and asked Laura,

“What can I get for you, darling? You're such a pretty thing. Whatever you want, it’s on me.”

Laura still wondered how she knew almost immediately or at least strongly suspected that Debbie was like her, that Debbie also longed for her own sex. Something in that moment when Debbie first winked and smiled at Laura that Laura immediately sensed that the wink and smile were not just polite pleasantries, but in actuality, Debbie flirting with Laura with the end goal being to get Laura into Debbie’s bed, which didn’t take long at all.

Laura and Debbie only talked that first day, Debbie leaning over the counter as Laura sat on the other side of it unable to do anything but look at Debbie's magnificently large and freckled cleavage that was front and center of the conversation. Debbie later admitted to Laura that she did all that leaning on purpose to see if Laura was like her because no man or queer woman could ever resist her cleavage.

And Laura discovered that day how very much she loved freckles on cleavage because, oh good Lord in heaven; she definitely couldn’t resist Debbie’s freckled cleavage. Laura tried so hard not to stare at the spectacular mountain of breasts in front of her, tried and failed to resist tracing the freckles on Debbie's chest with her eyes as she and Debbie chatted about what she never could remember because who could remember anything else when the thought of Debbie’s gloriously ample and freckled cleavage was there to occupy her memories.

Laura returned to the diner the following day and the following day after that Debbie spontaneously suggested that they go back to her house for some lunch even though they were at a diner. Laura had arrived at the diner just as Debbie was getting off of work, so it kind of made sense to go back to Debbie's place for lunch instead of having a bite to eat at the diner. Although, Laura realized later that Debbie didn't suggest lunch at the diner and instead had her go back to Debbie's place because Debbie wanted to get Laura alone so she could rip her clothes off and make mad, passionate love to her.

Once they got to Debbie's place, she made them a very nice lunch. Laura had nervously sipped on a grape soda and fiend an interest in the finger sandwiches that Debbie had made, but she was too anxious to actually eat. Debbie didn’t eat much either and never drank the iced sweet tea she had made. Instead, she smoked on a cigarette and sipped on a glass of bourbon while she asked Laura questions about her life. Laura suspected that the questions were only an excuse to find out for sure if Laura was like Debbie too. And most of that suspicion came from Debbie’s eyes which spent most of their time slowly moving up and down Laura’s body as Laura nervously stammered out answers about her life to Debbie’s many questions.

Debbie had offered Laura a glass of bourbon and a cigarette as well, which made Laura feel very grown-up since no one had offered the temptation of alcohol or cigarettes to her before, but Laura turned down the devilish temptations. Debbie was more than enough devilish temptation for Laura to handle.

Debbie had then begun complaining of her feet and how they ached because she spent most days on them all day long. Debbie asked Laura if she minded if she took off her shoes and Laura shyly shrugged her shoulders that she didn’t.

After the shoes were off, Debbie then began to complain about how hot it was, picking up her movie magazine from the kitchen table and fanning herself with it. She then told Laura that if she was too warm as well to feel free to unbutton a couple of buttons on the front of her dress if she preferred. Laura never answered or moved to unbutton anything because her brain was too busy occupied with the sweat falling from Debbie’s neck and sliding down into her magnificently abundant cleavage that was slowly getting more and more revealed as Debbie kept periodically lowering the zipper on the front of her waitress uniform.

“It’s definitely too hot for stockings. You don’t mind if I take them off, do you?” Debbie said really more than asked as she began to raise her dress, moving the material higher and higher until she revealed her garter belt and then slowly unsnapped the clip that was keeping the stocking from falling, and then ever so slowly, or at least to Laura it seemed like Debbie was moving at a snail’s pace, Debbie rolled the stocking down her long, thin, gorgeously shaped leg until it was off. She then proceeded to do the same thing to the stocking on her other leg.

Then Debbie got up and walked to each window in the kitchen and living room and despite the blistering warm day, she closed each window and pulled down each shade one by one and when she was done, she told Laura to make herself more comfortable on the couch while she was going to put on something cooler because that particular day for early May was hotter than normal for a Florida spring.

After having Laura take a seat on the couch in the living room, Debbie then walked into her bedroom, but kept the door slightly ajar; a door that had a mirror on it and from where Debbie was standing while changing out of her waitress uniform and into a silk nightgown and robe, Laura could see everything that the mirror reflected -- Debbie’s porcelain white skin, Debbie’s beautifully large and magnificent naked breasts, Debbie’s curvaceous hips that molded perfectly into her soft, round butt that then turned into mile-long legs that never seemed to end.

As she sat on the couch, Laura’s mind panicked trying to figure out if this was indeed Debbie flirting with her, letting her know that she wanted her, or was it just an accident of not knowing the mirror was exposing all of her. It was so hard knowing these things for sure when it came to women and if they were like Laura or not. Did men and women have an easier time flirting since it was expected of them to do such with each other? Because Laura found trying to figure out if another woman was flirting with her, most definitely without a doubt flirting with her frightfully confusing and she needed to be, must be sure because being wrong about such a thing could be a dangerous mistake. And so Laura’s mind raced through the facts to see which side Debbie fell, just wanting her as a new friend or wanting Laura in her bed.

Debbie had said she was married, so maybe she wasn’t like Laura?

But Debbie, who was a good decade-plus older than Laura, had struck up an awfully quick friendship with someone who was barely out of high school, so there just had to be something else to this relationship that Debbie wanted other than a new friend.


If Laura were a man, she thought, and a woman’s naked body was staring at her via a very conveniently located mirror, then she would know exactly what was going on. But Laura was a woman, and because of this fact and despite all of her instincts screaming at her that this woman wanted her body, not a platonic friendship, still, she had no clue.

Debbie came out of her bedroom and sat on the couch next to Laura, lighting a cigarette as she crossed her legs, slowly placing her other arm over the back of the couch directly behind Laura's shoulders before sliding her entire body even closer to Laura, practically enveloping her, yet still not quite touching her.

Still so far away.

Still making a mistake of interpretation a very looming possibility.

“Now tell me, you seem so very innocent and naive, have you ever made love to anyone before?” Debbie asked as she blew out smoke from her cigarette.

Laura swallowed hard, wondering how she should answer the question and wondering if having Debbie so near might possibly kill Laura from the excitement and thrill of having someone she was so painfully attracted to so close to her, yet so far away.




God, it was so hard to think when it was so hot and not just because of the weather.

"No. I've never even kissed anyone before," was all Laura could get out and it took her forever just to say those few words.

“A true virgin then, in every sense of the word,” Debbie replied as she took another puff on her cigarette. "So, you've never kissed a boy? Or even...a girl?"

A girl?

Did Debbie just ask Laura if she had ever kissed a girl?

Laura was so anxious, she wasn't sure.

Laura’s heart was beating so loudly and she was so nervous and Debbie had moved even closer to Laura so now her silky robe and naked calf were actually touching Laura and they were…oh, God…so soft, so inviting, she couldn’t think properly, so she wasn't sure if Debbie had just asked her if she had ever kissed a girl before.

But then Debbie moved her hand from the back of the couch and placed it on Laura’s thigh as she blew smoke to the ceiling while putting out her half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table in front of the couch. She then stared straight into Laura’s eyes holding onto the gaze for a few moments, making Laura wonder if Debbie was also wondering was this it? Was she also wondering if this thing between them was two women who wanted each other or was Debbie wondering if she was making the wrong interpretation too?

But all doubt was wiped away when Debbie said,

“I've kissed both boys and girls, so it’s okay, honey. Your secret is safe with me because I have the same secret too.”

Debbie then leaned in, just a whisper from Laura’s lips, another moment of doubt crossing between them, one last chance to walk away before someone made the mistake of misinterpreting the situation, but then their lips touched and the next thing Laura knew, she and Debbie were hungrily tearing off each other’s clothes and making love for the first time right there on the living room floor because the bedroom, which was only a few feet away, was too long of a trip to make to stop their mad desire of devouring each other’s bodies in order to get to a comfortable bed instead of making love on the very uncomfortable hardwood floor.

Of course, neither of them noticed how uncomfortable the floor was until they finished making love and suddenly realized that their backs and elbows and knees were all throbbing, and the next day would also be bruised.

All that pain casued them to quickly gave up the floor and they spent the rest of that day learning everything they could about what each other’s bodies desired, eventually making it to the bedroom, but first stopping at the kitchen table and then a chair and then the wall in the hallway before finally finding their way to the comfortable bed...

“Hey stranger, welcome back,” Debbie said with a wink and a smack of her gum as she poured a cup of coffee for a customer at the counter, waking Laura from her daydreaming about those wonderful bruises and aches and pains from a couple of years ago as she walked into the diner, bringing her wandering mind back to present day. 

Laura smiled at Debbie and walked toward the end of the counter because no one else was sitting there and so she hoped that the absence of nearby ears might provide a small bit of privacy for what she was sure at some point would turn into a very private conversation with Debbie.

“Be with you in a minute, sunshine,” Debbie said as she drifted past Laura, hands and arms full of plates for a booth full of customers.

Debbie called Laura sunshine or sweetie or darling or honey in public because she called everyone sunshine or sweetie or darling or honey, so no one noticed and no one knew those terms of endearments when said to Laura had actual real endearment behind the words. Calling everyone terms of endearment was just a part of Debbie’s flirting game. Debbie was a master flirt and she flirted with everyone, both men and women, pretty much constantly. Laura wondered if Debbie did this flirting with both sexes and all ages and sizes and varying degrees of handsome and pretty and downright ugly because when she did come across a woman she was attracted to then she could flirt away without anyone actually noticing because you stop noticing something that happens all the time.

Winks and giggles and looks and those terms of endearment were all the flirting really consisted of, but boy oh boy what Debbie could do with just that was awe-inspiring. Just one little smile with that special sparkle in Debbie’s brilliantly blue, almost violet eyes was all it took because, with that look, it felt like she was offering you her entire world, body, and soul; never failing to melt Laura into a pile of goo ready to be molded into whatever Debbie desired.

Laura slipped onto a stool at the end of the lunch counter and waited for Debbie to serve up the plates. One of the women at the table where Debbie was serving the food suddenly took hold of Debbie’s hand and was looking at it and then told Debbie what beautiful nails she used to have and why didn’t she grow them long again like she used to. Debbie’s nails were always painted bright red and she used to wear them very long, but now she only had them grow just barely past the tips of her fingers and no more than that because then her nails would only bring painful unpleasantness while making love to Laura.

“Nails are very important to us queer ladies,” Debbie had once told Laura as they were lying in bed together. Debbie had propped a burning cigarette between her lips and then reached across Laura with her magnificently long, elegant, naked body and grabbed a nail file off the nightstand next to Laura and began to file Laura’s nails. Laura’s nails weren’t long, but they were a bit mangled and had jagged edges thanks to her constantly biting them, and a few times earlier that particular day they had caught Debbie at the wrong angle and caused her a bit of pain and a small bit of blood was lost.

It was just two days into their relationship and Debbie had wanted Laura to know how important nail hygiene was now that they were in a sexual relationship together.

“Fingernails can be harmful to your female lover’s health if you don’t keep them filed down and free of any sharp bits,” Debbie said through the cigarette in her mouth as she filed away at Laura’s nails. “I loved having my pretty long nails and I already miss them even though it’s only been a couple of days since I cut them off, but if I have long nails then that means I’m not getting any pussy and I’d rather be getting pussy than have long nails no matter how pretty they are. Nails I mean, not pussy. Although pussy can be damn beautiful too.”

But of course, Debbie did not explain this truth currently to the woman at the diner who longed for Debbie’s long nails to return. Instead, Debbie said to the woman what she now always said to women who were always admiring her nails and always wondering why she didn’t grow them longer anymore -- because her job was a danger to long nails and she broke one too many while serving up food, so now this was as long as she dared to have them.

“What a shame,” the woman told Debbie.

Debbie agreed and then glanced over at Laura and gave her a quick wink as she began to walk towards her; Laura knowing the real reason behind the length of Debbie’s nails and very thankful that she kept them at that very particular length and no longer because one time Debbie had let them grow a bit too long and had then given Laura a painful scratch in a rather sensitive area followed by a trickling of blood which very quickly ended that particular romantic encounter. Well, for a few moments anyway until Debbie decided that she needed to kiss Laura's unfortunate wound to make it better, which she certainly did and then some. Laura got a quick shiver that shot through her body just remembering that painful incident that turned into such pleasure, which seemed to be a gift that Debbie had, making lemonade out of lemons or as she told Laura once,

“I don’t know where in the Goddamned hell I got this gift from, but I’m really good at making lemonade out of piss, and trust me that gift is the reason why I’m still on this planet, or else I would have done myself in years ago because piss is still just piss even if you call it lemonade.”

When Debbie made it back to Laura from the booth full of customers, she glided the tips of her fingers across Laura’s shoulders, but it was so simple and so fast no one but Laura knew what the gesture really meant. And even if it was obvious to someone else that the gesture was sexual, more than likely that suspicion would be very quickly tossed aside because most people never suspected that women could ever hunger for their own sex, they believed that only men occasionally suffered from that deviant infliction. Society thinking so little of women, for once, had an advantage for women, or at least for lesbians, who had a much easier time hiding their love in plain sight than queer men ever could.

“So, how is it being a married woman now?” Debbie asked Laura, leaning on the counter directly across from her lover, freckled cleavage in full view, which she still always did on purpose to tease Laura.

“Oh, God. Debbie. What have I done?”

“That bad, huh?”


(For now...)

Episode 2: Laura Commits Adultery Just Four Days Into Her Marriage

The Tick Tock Diner Tales - Episode 3: Laura Finally Meets the Woman of Her Dreams

  Written by Ali Naro Monday afternoon, July 11, 1955 Walking to the Tick Tock Diner with Debbie (fictional) Arnett, Florida Laura and Debbi...